盲女古银霞的奇遇 ——黎紫书《流俗地》*

Gu Yinxia, A Blind Girl’s Adventure: Li Zishu’s Vulgar Land


  • David Wang Der-wei Harvard University, United States


写实主义, 视觉的废墟, 风土, 马华文学



Vulgar Land embodies Li Zishu’s attempt to return to realism. The traditional creed of realism is nothing more than observing and engraving the vicissitudes of life through translucent, omnipotent expression. No matter what perspectiveshe takes, the narrator or the writer studies and grasps the information, deploying words and languages, presenting an eloquent world full of emotions. Vulgar Land’s vivid description of thelife and people in Xi Du (the tin town), has indeed proven the writer’s capable wield of realism.

Keywords: Realism, Ruins of vision, feng tu, Sinophone Malaysian literature


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Walter Benjamin, On Photography , trans. Esther Leslie (New York: Reaktion Books, 2015)

Michel Foucault , Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison ( New York: Vintage Books,1995)

Jacques Derrida, Memoirs of the Blind: The Self-Portrait and Other Ruins,trans. Pascale-Anne Nrault and Michael Naas (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993).

James Peebles, “Dark Matter”, PNAS(Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences in the United States of America)October 6, 2015, 112(40)12246-12248; first published May 2, 2014




How to Cite

Der-wei, D. W. (2020). 盲女古银霞的奇遇 ——黎紫书《流俗地》*: Gu Yinxia, A Blind Girl’s Adventure: Li Zishu’s Vulgar Land. ERUDITE: Journal of Chinese Studies and Education, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/ERUDITE/article/view/3503