Peer Review Policy

The peer review process is to ensure that only excellent and quality manuscript is published. All manuscripts are peer reviewed following the procedure outlined below. 

Initial Manuscript Evaluation

The Editor evaluates all submitted manuscripts.

If the manuscript is very excellent, it is possible for a manuscript to be accepted at this stage. Also, the manuscript can be rejected at this stage, if the content of the manuscript is notoriginal or has serious inaccuratedata and research findings or has poor Arabic language writing, or is outside of the aims and scope of SIBAWAYHJournal. The manuscript that is accepted in this stage will be passed on to at least 2 experts for reviewing process. 

Type of Peer Review

Double blind reviewing process is the type of review, where both the reviewer and the author(s) remain unidentified through the review process that until the article is published. 

Reviewer Selection 

Two reviewers are chosen based on their expertise that matches with the content of the manuscript submitted.

Reviewer reports 

Reviewer will evaluate the manuscript based on criteria defined below:

  • Proper methodology.
  • Follows appropriate ethical guidelines.
  • Present a clear results and discussion, which support the conclusions.
  • Accurate and adequate references cited in the manuscript.
  • Arabic language grammar.
  • The time required for the review process is estimated to be three-five weeks after the reviewer agree to review.
  • If the decision is to revise the manuscript, the revised manuscripts will be returned to the initial reviewer for evaluation process. 

Final Decision

The Editor will inform the final decision to accept or to reject the manuscript to the author(s).  Author(s) will be notified about the Editorial decision within eight weeks from the date of manuscript receipt.