
An Analysis of Indonesian Subtitles Translation Strategy in the Movie “Ne Zha”


  • Agnes Shania Winata Olivia Petra Christian University, INDONESIA




翻译策略, 翻译, 中文电影, 印尼文字幕, 哪吒, 魔童降世


字幕翻译与一般的翻译有些不同。从技术上,字幕翻译受到限制,如字数和显示时间。除此之外,字幕翻译也有了源语言与目标语言之间的意思差异的障碍。为了解决这些障碍,译者可以使用翻译策略来帮助解决问题。本研究的研究目的是得知中文电影里所存在的翻译问题与探讨字幕里所使用的翻译策路的分析结果。本研究采用了定性研究法,使用Gottlieb (1992) 提出的十种翻译策略分析了《哪吒之魔童降世》电影的对白。分析结果表示电影里的字幕有了28个句子不符合电影里的对白与内容。从有问题的28个句子的字幕中,最常使用的翻译策略是重述。重述策略的使用率最高是因为源语言与目标语言之间有了不同的语法,因此翻译时译者需要把中文字幕按照印尼文的语法再调整一次。可是在调整的过程中,译者不仅需要把源语言的意思翻译成目标语言,但也需要了解电影里的情节,才能翻译出良好的字幕。

Subtitle translation is a little bit different from general translation. Technically, subtitle translation has a lot of limitations, for example, space limits and time constraints. In addition, the differences between the source language and the target language become other obstacles. To solve these obstacles, the translator could use the help of translation strategies. The purpose of this research is to analyze the translation problems existing in a Chinese movie and analyze the result of translation strategies used in its subtitle. To analyze the subtitle in “Ne Zha” (2019), the writer used Gottlieb’s ten translation strategies with the qualitative method. The results show that 28 lines in the subtitles do not match the dialogues and the contexts of the movie. From those 28 lines, paraphrasing is the most frequently used. The reason why paraphrasing is the highest is that there are different grammatical structures between the source language and the target language. Therefore, the translator needs to adjust the Chinese subtitles to Indonesian grammar during translation. However, in the process of the adjustment, the translator not only needs to be able to translate the meaning of the source language into the target language but also needs to understand the plot in the movie to be able to produce good translation results.

Keywords: Translation strategies; Translation; Chinese film; Indonesian subtitle; Ne Zha;Birth of the Demon Child


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How to Cite

Olivia, A. S. W. (2022). 探讨《哪吒之魔童降世》电影中的印尼文字幕翻译策略: An Analysis of Indonesian Subtitles Translation Strategy in the Movie “Ne Zha”. ERUDITE: Journal of Chinese Studies and Education, 3(2), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.37134/erudite.vol3.2.1.2022