ERUDITE: Journal of Chinese Studies and Education 2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Ngoi Guat Peng Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">The <strong>ERUDITE:</strong> <strong>Journal of Chinese Studies and Education [eISSN 2716-5493]</strong> is a peer reviewed Journal. The journal is dedicated to publishing research on new and creative ideas, and disseminating research findings that make original and significant contributions to Chinese Studies and Education field. The journal is published <strong>twice a year (April &amp; October Start 2024) </strong>and comes out as an electronic form. <br /><br />《依大中文與教育學刊》為蘇丹依德理斯教育大學發行的同行匿名評審學術期刊,專門刊載馬來西亞及亞洲地區有關中文及教育研究的學術論文。本學刊每年以電子期刊的形式出版兩期,提供免費閱讀及下載。凡具有原創性、未曾刊載於其他刊物的論文及書評,均歡迎投稿。</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ERUDITE </strong>supports<strong> Open Access. The electronic full text version of the journal is available Free of Charge (FOC).</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><img src="" alt="" width="130" height="33" /> <img src="" alt="" width="110" height="43" /></p> 父权法则的复刻 论严歌苓小说中的性别权力关系 2024-08-27T02:57:50+00:00 Xingyu Liu Choon bee Lim <p>许多学者认为,严歌苓在其小说中创造的“地母”女性通过拯救男性的方式颠覆了传统的两性关系,消解了以男性为中心的父权文化。然而,当从女性主义的角度出发深入考察严式小说中的人物关系时,却可以发现,即便救赎了众多男性,但“地母”女性仍是受男性权力统治的被奴役群体。从以“地母”女性为中心延展开去,还可以发现,除去两性间的支配-从属关系,即使连同性之间,也呈现出典型的父权制度下的权力关系。本文将从男-女、女-女、男-男三个方面,对严歌苓作品中人物间的性别权力关系进行探讨,以论证其中所体现的父权文化式的权力关系法则的复刻。</p> <p>Many scholars believe that in her novels, Yan Geling’s creation of the “Earth Mother” female characters subverts traditional gender relations by rescuing males, thereby undermining the male-centered patriarchal culture. However, when examining the character relationships in Yan's novels from a feminist perspective, it can be observed that despite redeeming numerous males, the “Earth Mother” females remain a subjugated group under male power. Expanding from the perspective of the “Earth Mother” females, it can be further noted that, apart from the domination-subordination relationship between the sexes, even among the same sex, typical power relations of patriarchal systems are evident. This paper will explore the gender power relations among characters in Yan Geling’s works from three aspects: male-female, female-female, and male-male, to demonstrate the replication of patriarchal cultural power relations.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: Yan Geling, Gender and Power Relations, Feminism, Patriarchal System</p> 2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Liu Xingyu, Lim Choon Bee 论谢枋得于生死节义之间 2024-08-14T03:37:30+00:00 Xue Fei Liu Ai Peng Foo <p>谢枋得是由宋入元的典型遗民文人,在元朝统治之下生活了十年之久,最后走上了殉节之路。本文通过分析谢枋得宋末元初时段的言行,探究其欲为大宋遗民、又想以大元逸民处世的心态,探讨谢枋得是如何在元朝欲重用之时反而走上了殉节之路,为何选择漫长又残忍的绝食方式,死节是否为必然等问题,进一步丰富宋元遗民文人及其作品的研究。</p> <p>Xie Bingde was one of the representatives from the Song Dynasty to the yuan dynasty. He lived under the rule of the Yuan Dynasty for ten years. Through the study of Xie Binge's works and behaviors in the late Song Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty, this paper analyzes his desire to be the adherents of the great Song Dynasty and the mentality of the great Yuan Dynasty. Xie Bingde's attitude towards the two governments of the song and yuan dynasties, the maintenance of the ethical principles of loyalty, filial piety and righteousness, and the mentality of the literati under the background of the great change of China in the 13th century, discussed how Xie Bingde wanted to reuse him in the Yuan Dynasty and embarked on the road of martyrdom.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: Xie Bingde, adherents pf Song Dynasty, Survival, Integrity</p> 2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Liu Xue Fei , Foo Ai Peng