Progress of Research on Volcanic-Geomorphology in Southeast Asia: A Systematic Literature Review
geomorphology, volcano, volcanic landform, Southeast AsiaAbstract
Southeast Asia, with its large number of volcanoes, wide distribution, and high occupancy and population growth in volcanic environments, has a high potential to emerge as one of the world's centres for volcanic geomorphology studies. In this article, we present information on the progress and trends of volcanic-geomorphology research topics in Southeast Asia. This article is a systematic literature review organized by the PRISMA approach. Search keywords were determined using the PICO method. The documents reviewed were obtained from the Scopus database, with the criteria of research articles published in journals or conference proceedings, English language, and territory/area limited to Southeast Asia. A total of 214 documents were collected with these keywords and criteria. Of these, 53 articles were selected through the extraction process and continued with the review. The findings of this study show that studies on volcanic geomorphology in Southeast Asia are relatively few, even though studies on volcanoes themselves have been conducted from various perspectives. Volcanic geomorphology studies indexed in the Scopus database were conducted from 1963 to 2024. The two most discussed topics are genesis/landform and geomorphological processes that occur in landforms, while the other topics that are relatively little discussed are materials and the environment. Implementing other methods like remote sensing, geophysics, and environment often supports geomorphological survey and analysis methods.
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