Work Ethics and the Dimensions of Knowledge Management of Academic Staffs in College of Education, South-West, Nigeria
Work Ethics, Dimensions, Knowledge Management, Academic Staff, College of EducationAbstract
This study examined the influence of Work Ethics on the Dimensions of Knowledge Management of academic staff in College of Education, South-West, Nigeria. Using a descriptive survey research design, three hundred and sixty-one (361) respondents were surveyed. Data were collected using the Work Ethics Scale (r = 0.61) and the Knowledge Management Scale (r = 0.82) and analyzed using Multivariate Analysis at 0.05 significance level. The results show that Work Ethics has a significant influence on the Dimensions of Knowledge Management namely, documentation, transfer, creation and application. It is recommended that the academic staffs to be driven towards positive Work Ethics contained by the setting of institutional structure and tasks. Managers of academic institutions should create a policy which will ensure that knowledge acquisition, documentation, creation, transfer, and application are rewarded.
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