Investigating the Relationship between Competitive Advantage, Promotion, and Management Accounting on Company Performance: A Study on Nglarisi MSME Assosiation Members in Yogyakarta
Competitive Advantages, Promotion, Management Accounting, Company Performance, Nglarisi Jogja MSMEs Partner NetworkAbstract
Micro, Small, and medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a crucial role in driving the global economy, contributing to employment generation, innovation, and sustainable development. This research aims to comprehensively understand the relantionships between competitive advantages, promotion strategies, and management accounting practices within the context of members of the Nglarisi MSME Assosiation in Yogyakarta. The study employs a quantitative research design, using a structured questionnaire distributed to MSMEs owners or founders within the network. The sample size of 40 respondents was determined using purposive sampling. The collected data analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis to examine the relationships between the predictors and company performance. The analysis reveals that competitive advantages and promotion have significant associations with company performance. While a business should leverage on competitive advantages, over reliance on them may hinder long-term success. Effective promotion strategies positively impact company performance by building brand awarness and attracting customers. However, the analysis did not find a statistically significant relationship betweem management accounting and company performance.
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