Sustainability and Performance: A Study of Malaysian Waqf Institution
Performance, Waqf, Sustainability, Reporting, GovernanceAbstract
As waqf has become a well-known and prominent socio-economic instrument across the world, it has caught the interest of researchers and policymakers. However, the performance of waqf institutions in Malaysia has been afflicted with inefficiency issues in recent years, particularly in waqf management. Despite the fact that the development of waqf institutions has been positive, there are still some problems that prevent them from reaching their full potential. There has been little research into the factors that can influence the sustainability and performance of waqf institutions. Therefore, a series of three case studies were conducted with Malaysian waqf institutions utilising the protocol discussion to study the factors influencing their sustainability and performance. Three propositions are revealed as a result of the findings, namely (i) transparency; (ii) governance and controls; and (iii) digitalisation. In summary, the current study has added to the waqf literature in terms of sustainability and performance, which will benefit policymakers and future research.
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