
  • Magiswary Dorasamy Multimedia University
  • Sreenivasan Jayashree Multimedia University
  • Farida Bhanu University Tunku Abdul Rahman


eCRM, Knowledge management, Performance, Resource-based view


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) plays an exceptional role in enhancing today’s business. Organisations with large number of customer base find CRM as vital solution to gain competitive advantage. Current climate of business suggests that advancement in Internet technology has accelerated CRM solution and support. The emergence of electronic CRM (eCRM) system arguably has improved organizational performance. Nevertheless, CRM capabilities can be further enhanced by examining the possibility of integrating knowledge management. Hence, the proposition of this paper is that the success of eCRM performance can be improved by interweaving knowledge management concept. The aim of this study is to fit in the selected KM and eCRM models within four dimensions based on Resource-based View Theory (RBV): technology, knowledge, customer and business. The study identified that CRM Development Stages Model and Balance Scorecard Perspective of eCRM Model provides better fit to the four resource dimensions which in turn can develop a KMbased eCRM model.


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How to Cite

Dorasamy, M., Jayashree, S., & Bhanu, F. (2019). INTEGRATION OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN eCRM: A COLLABORATIVE STUDY. Journal of Contemporary Issues and Thought, 3, 53–66. Retrieved from