An Aesthetic Study on Traditional Batik Design of Miao Ethnicity in China
Danzhai Miao, traditional batik, process, patterns, aesthetic studyAbstract
As an ancient folk art, batik has a production history of more than two thousand years in the world. In China, batik is mainly concentrated in the minority areas of southwestern, such as Guizhou, Yunnan, Hunan Province. The Miao batik art has rich patterns and profound cultural implications. At the same time, it has strong regional characteristics and national personality, showing the historical changes, cultural customs, and aesthetic ideas of Miao people. Danzhai is known as the “land of batik”, and the batik pattern is different from other batik types by its primitive and uninhibited style. This research introduces the history, special technological process, typical patterns, and aesthetic study of traditional Miao batik in Danzhai. And the purpose of this study is to discover the aesthetic characteristics of Danzhai Miao batik.
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