Application of Angklung Art-Based Intervention to the Elderly in Malaysia: Preliminary Research
Angklung, Elderly, Art-based intervention, Quality of LifeAbstract
Angklung is typically performed in a group setting, primarily for entertainment purposes; however, its potential as a health tool in Malaysia remains largely unexamined. This research aims to determine the advantages of angklung musical instruments for the elderly. There are several objectives, among which is to identify the potential activity of angklung for the elderly; to analyse the effects of activity angklung as an art-based intervention on the elderly. This research employs a qualitative approach, including a literature analysis using secondary sources, online sources, reading materials, and interviews with expert doctors, musicians, and angklung manufacturers. The second part of the primary source involved observation, along with interviews conducted with carers and senior citizens. These interviews occurred before and after the intervention, with a total of 11 residents and 7 carers, including nurses and physiotherapists. Participants were selected through purposive sampling at the Shalis Care Centre in Kelantan on October 31, 2022. The data findings showed that Angklung is an appropriate medium treatment for the elderly in Malaysia. The qualities of angklung include a calm, simple, light, and pleasant sound that aids in the restoration of the elderly's quality of life in terms of physical, psychological, independence, social interactions, and surroundings. Finally, engagement with angklung musical instruments may improve the physical and mental health of the elderly.
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