KUPAS SENI https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>KUPAS SENI [ISSN 2289-4640 eISSN 0127-9688]</strong> refereed journal of the Art and Design Department, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, published for the advancement of scholarly knowledge about the visual art and visual art education.This journal publishes articles and reviews of books, recordings, exhibitions, and performances from different points of view with approaches from various disciplines. The journal has a bilingual publishing policy (in Malay and English) and is published <strong>twice a year (April &amp; October started 2024)</strong>. Published by UPSI Press for Faculty of Art, Sustainability and Creative Industry, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.<br /><img src="https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/public/site/images/admin/My_Cite135.png" /></p> PKM UPSI en-US KUPAS SENI 2289-4640 Infographic Significance On Visual Arts Education Initiatives https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS/article/view/9383 <p style="text-align: justify;">Infographics have significant importance for Visual Arts Education initiatives. Infographics are visual representations of information or data designed to make complex concepts easier to understand and remember for the audience. Visual art has a very strong visual element and infographics are an effective tool to convey information visually. Through infographics, complex information or data can be displayed in a visual form by combining elements such as graphics, pictures, illustrations and text. The main study of this research is to explore the potential of infographics as an effective information conveying medium and adjust the use of graphic and artistic elements in infographic posters. The relationship between the importance of infographics and educational initiatives of the Visual Arts can be linked through Education. Furthermore, infographics are now widely used in the mainstream media to increase the reader's understanding of a particular topic or issue. In addition to traditional media such as newspapers and magazines and it also find information graphics in many digital publishing channels and increasingly being produced by various public and private sector institutions as part of the publishing strategy. Infographics provide the ability to visualize complex information to make it easier to understand.</p> Nurul Ain Izzati Malir Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Ain Izzati Malir https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 12 1 1 7 10.37134/kupasseni.vol12.1.1.2024 Awareness of Visualization Innovation in Basic Computer Science Education https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS/article/view/9389 <p style="text-align: justify;">Awareness of visualization innovations in basic computer science education refers to the use of visual technologies such as animation, motion graphics and augmented reality to enhance learning. This abstract emphasizes the importance of awareness of the power of visualization, which is increasingly critical in an era of dominant technology. Some of the key aspects emphasized include the ability of visualization innovations to convey complex concepts more easily to students, increase students' interest in computer science and prepare students for the demands of an increasingly technology-dependent industry. By using audio-visual media and visual technologies such as digital comics, simulations, multimedia and augmented reality, visualization innovations form an engaging learning environment. In addition, this topic also includes problems that need attention such as the integration of visualization innovations into the curriculum, differences in achievement and understanding of learning concepts, as well as student participation in developing visualization innovations. Further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of visualization innovations in improving learning outcomes and understanding concepts in computer science education. In conclusion, this abstract brings focus to the awareness of visualization innovation as an important element in the positive transformation of basic computer science education, with the hope of forming an efficient, creative and adaptive generation in this digital era.</p> Ranee Sekin Copyright (c) 2024 Ranee Sekin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 12 1 8 17 10.37134/kupasseni.vol12.1.2.2024 Depression Mental Health Awareness in Infographic Poster Design Art on Social Media https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS/article/view/9391 <p style="text-align: justify;">Negative stigma in mental health awareness still exists in society. The stigma caused individuals with mental health issues makes them not get proper help. This study focuses on mental health awareness of depression in the art of infographic poster design on social media. Mental health is one of the aspects that is often looked down upon and cynical by our society because it considers mental health to be one of the insane diseases. Depression is a disorder that involves changes in thoughts, emotions, feelings and behavior that make a person's daily life difficult. On social media, a piece of information will appear easier to read if it is given a visual representation and also the information written in a simple way like in an infographic. This writing can provide exposure specifically to mental health in the context of depression in an infographic poster on social media. Communication medium in the form of infographics is an alternative that can be used to provide awareness related to mental health.</p> Fathatunnuha Musanif Copyright (c) 2024 Fathatunnuha Musanif https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 12 1 18 25 10.37134/kupasseni.vol12.1.3.2024 Colouring for Students with Special Needs (AUTISM) https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS/article/view/9393 <p style="text-align: justify;">This special education encompasses several categories of special needs, such as physical disabilities related to students with physical challenges, education for mental disabilities involving students with mental or learning disabilities, emotional disabilities that provide support for students with behavior issues, and learning disabilities for students with difficulties in learning aspects such as dyslexia or dysgraphia. Special Education is a program designed specifically to meet the various needs of special education students. For special education students placed separately, appropriate techniques have been used in the learning and teaching process. In addition to suitable learning techniques, infrastructure has also been provided to facilitate the learning process for these special education students. These issues are interconnected, preventing them from expressing feelings through desires, which can disrupt their relationships with others. This is because they cannot think rationally like other normal humans, and it can affect their learning, such as writing, reading, and recognizing colours. Some aspects to consider include visual stimulation. Colouring in education for students with special needs such as autism needs to be tailored to individual needs, ensuring a supportive environment, and using appropriate learning methods to maximize their development.</p> Ahmad Fazleyazid Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Fazleyazid https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 12 1 26 36 10.37134/kupasseni.vol12.1.4.2024 Visual Application of Montaj Malaysian Arts Craft Figure through Visual Arts Level 1 https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS/article/view/9399 <p style="text-align: justify;">The montage visual application is one of the media in the form of video that can be used as a teaching aid in teaching and learning. Teaching Aids are equipment used by teachers or students to help them deliver lessons in class. This is because there are five artistic elements in visual montage that can attract the students' focus to learn. Among the five art elements involved are line, shape, interweaving, space and color. Teaching aids can also be divided into three parts, namely non-electronic teaching aids, electronics and experience-patterned materials or real materials. The world today is growing rapidly along with the development of technology which requires a teacher to think creatively and innovatively. To be a creative and innovative teacher, one must have preparation in various aspects such as skills and knowledge in teaching and learning as well as linking all aspects in teaching delivery. In this era of modernization, technology is a teaching medium that plays an important role. In the past, many teachers depended on physical materials such as textbooks, magazines, newspapers, reference books and various reference materials used in the teaching and learning process. Next, teaching aids can improve students' conceptual thinking and create an interesting environment for them. Teaching aids can also serve a variety of learning styles and students can explore new things. This montage visual application can help students to learn about something that is considered boring.</p> Azreena Aqilah Azlan Copyright (c) 2024 Azreena Aqilah Azlan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 12 1 37 45 10.37134/kupasseni.vol12.1.5.2024 Art Language Style in Children’s Story E-Books https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS/article/view/9400 <p style="text-align: justify;">The artistic aspect of children's funny stories e-book refers to the effort and creativity in incorporating various artistic elements into the presentation and presentation of the story on the e-book platform. It involves the use of technology to enhance children's reading experience by using artistic elements, such as illustrations, animations, layouts, sound effects and interactivity. The styling of the language of art is translated into aspects of life that include a variety of artistic values ​​flexibly. The styling of the artistic elements in children's humor e-book is closely related to the evolution of technology, the development of education, and the recognition of the importance of providing an interesting and interactive reading experience to children. Statements of problems related to the styling of artistic language in e-books of children's funny stories can be formulated in several aspects, namely the inconsistent level of interactivity, some e-books may be less consistent in presenting art elements with a sufficient level of interactivity. Some e-books may not provide consistency in the type of interactivity offered. The relationship between e-book and children is closely related in education to create a more comprehensive learning context. E-books have great potential to impact children's education. The styling of the language of art in humorous children's story e-books has several implications that can affect the reader, especially the focused children. Some implications are seen for the increased interest in reading among children which is increasingly showing a positive impact. Overall, the artistic language styling in children's funny story E-books helps to create a creative and interesting reading experience. The coordination of artistic language in the development of the e-book platform of children's jokes can be a creative and interesting initiative to develop artistic language.</p> Khairah Batrisyia Ramli Copyright (c) 2024 Khairah Batrisyia Ramli https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 12 1 46 55 10.37134/kupasseni.vol12.1.6.2024 Children's Power to Environmental Sustainability Through the Development of Gamification https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS/article/view/9492 <p style="text-align: justify;">Developing a generation that cares about the environment, children need to master environmental sustainability. Involving children in learning about environmental sustainability not only teaches them but also teaches them how to see and act well towards their environment. In addition, this gamification can attract the interest of children because in this era, we are already aware that with the development of technology, it has an impact on the current generation. The existence of this gamification can definitely increase the knowledge of these children because the way the approach can attract their interest to learn it. Further, gamification is the use of elements that have game characteristics such as playing video games that are applied in indirect learning activities or the process of adding games or similar elements in a matter (as a task) that aims to encourage participation. Furthermore, the medium of delivering knowledge and information about the environment also needs to be taken into account to ensure it reaches the target group. Knowledge is the most important component to be explored and possessed by children in increasing awareness of the environment. Among the relationships of gamification with children is being able to build critical and creative thinking skills. This is said to be so because, through gamification, this will attract children to think outside the box. Gamification works as a method that applies game elements in a subject in order to create a feeling and enjoyable playing experience. Therefore, gamification is not just a game for entertainment but can also be used as an educational media for children.</p> Nur Syafiqah Atierah Muhamad Rodzi Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Syafiqah Atierah Muhamad Rodzi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 12 1 56 63 10.37134/kupasseni.vol12.1.7.2024 Animation against bullying symptoms awareness among Preschool Students https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS/article/view/9493 <p style="text-align: justify;">Humans are more exposed to the development of technology that is becoming more sophisticated from time to time. The development of this technology has a lot of positive impact on people's daily lives. The use of animation is one of the alternatives and efforts taken to raise awareness among preschoolers about the dangers of bullying. Animation is an element that has a high appeal to children so that it can influence children's thinking. Animation means to give life to an image or in a simple way it works to add an illusion in a movement so that it looks as if it is giving movement but actually it is not. Therefore, in an era of world sophistication, especially in the field of technology, the use of animation is very suitable for educating and giving awareness to primary school students about the symptoms of bullying. In addition, since time immemorial, the symptoms of bullying often occur among school students regardless of whether it is primary school or secondary school and it also occurs among preschool students. In relation to that, the need to combat the symptoms of bullying needs to be emphasized because it can educate and instill respect among students. Overall, animation is the main factor that affects the formation of identity, personality development, cognitive development and social development of preschool children. Therefore, it can be concluded that animation is very effective in helping curb the symptoms of bullying that occur among preschoolers.</p> Nor Azianti Norharisham Copyright (c) 2024 Nor Azianti Norharisham https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 12 1 64 73 10.37134/kupasseni.vol12.1.8.2024 E-Diorama of The Solar System for form 2 students https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS/article/view/9495 <p style="text-align: justify;">E-diorama plays an important role in education by providing a visual tool capable of improving student understanding. 3D representation of certain topics allows students to clearly see elements that are difficult to understand through conventional teaching methods. E-diorama of the Solar System is a topic that is particularly relevant in the context of education for students in form 2. The background of this study includes three important aspects that explain the importance and relevance of this topic to student learning. E-diorama of the solar system for form 2 students refers to an interactive education system that uses digital technology and animation. This method is to convey concepts and information related to the solar system to form 2 students more easily. Students face difficulties in describing and understanding the structure and elements in the solar system. This weakness in understanding can be a major obstacle to effective learning. The Solar System is a topic found in the learning syllabus including form 2. E-diorama refers to the use of digital technology to create a 3D model or simulation. The solar system e-diorama helps improve students' understanding of science concepts through an interactive media approach. Students can explore the structure and dynamics of the solar system in more depth by using digital technology. In conclusion, the Ediorama of the solar system is an innovation that has the potential to have a positive impact on the learning of form 2 students, especially in science subjects. The use of e-diorama not only diversifies the atmosphere of media learning and students' creativity, but also supports interactive learning and understanding of science and astronomy concepts.</p> Amanda Layla Najwa Idris Copyright (c) 2024 Amanda Layla Najwa Idris https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 12 1 74 80 10.37134/kupasseni.vol12.1.9.2024 Motion Graphic Approach in Learning the Alphabet for Students with Special Needs Hearing Impairment (MBKP) in Preschool https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS/article/view/9496 <p style="text-align: justify;">Education is a process carried out with the purpose of imparting and receiving knowledge. An effective education process plays an important role in the development of the nation and the country. Effective use of teaching aids has a role in achieving educational goals. For example, motion graphics media brought in technology in this era. Motion graphics is a type of graphics that combines text, graphics, audio, animation, videos and other elements to perform creative designs and create interesting and dynamic visuals. Motion graphics are often used to convey ideas, convey information or storytelling to all students regardless of student background. This can be seen in learning the alphabet for early education students. An alphabet is a standard of written letters that represent certain speech sounds in a language. The planning of motion graphic media in learning the alphabet for children is an effort that aims to provide an effective, interactive learning experience, and make it easier for these children to receive knowledge.</p> Nurul Nur Atikah Musa Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Nur Atikah Musa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 12 1 81 92 10.37134/kupasseni.vol12.1.10.2024 Graphics in learning and teaching KAFA Class Assessment Test (UPKK) year 5 https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS/article/view/9505 <p>The inclusion of graphics in the Year 5 Class Assessment Test (UPKK) has been shown to improve students' comprehension and performance in a period of expanding educational opportunities. In addition to serving as a visual aid and adding dimension, graphics are a powerful tool for communicating ideas in an engaging and understandable manner. Utilizing Graphics in Education the Year 5 Kafa Class Assessment Test requires a thorough comprehension of the religious subjects as well as the difficulties associated with teaching in the Kafa class. Up until now, the most common teaching approach has been to use traditional techniques of instruction. However, these methods are less engaging and participatory, which results in students who are not as interested in the material or who do not comprehend it well. As a result, students have not yet embraced educational media like applications in large enough quantities or through restricted introduction. Utilizing technology in education has other important advantages as well. Through a more dynamic and diversified learning style, it aids students in understanding the course information more fully. Graphics are a useful visual aid that helps pupils comprehend the information they are learning. The utilization of graphics in the UPKK year 5 learning environment demonstrates how successful they are at raising the caliber of instruction and learning. In addition to making the learning content easier for students to understand, graphics help pique their curiosity about going further into the ideas outlined in the learning structure.</p> Khairun Sabirah Kamalul Bahari Copyright (c) 2024 Khairun Sabirah Kamalul Bahari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 12 1 93 104 10.37134/kupasseni.vol12.1.11.2024 Animation about Elements of Form among Pre-School students https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JSPS/article/view/9507 <p style="text-align: justify;">Animation is a moving picture of a series of pictures or objects arranged in a row to produce the illusion of movement. Animation is usually used in video games, movies, and various other media to bring a character to life visually. In Malaysia, anime is a very popular animated series. Creative teaching and learning (PdP) is now very important to be applied in every educational institution starting from early childhood education. Preschool students need an interactive learning so that every lesson delivered is more effective. The problem found is that preschool students face difficulties in understanding geometric elements such as area, space, and dimensions, which may not always be seen or held directly. They experience limitations in visual experience to understand certain relationships and characteristics of geometric shapes because they have not been involved in practical experience involving those shapes. The use of deep animation (PdP) is able to provide a presentation that is easier to understand with a high visual appeal. This high visual appeal has a combination of design, character movement and color that can attract attention and is easy to understand for preschoolers. In summary, animation is an interactive learning medium that can be applied during the session (PdP) at school, especially for preschool students. Teaching and learning should be implemented more creatively in order to further increase students' interest and motivation throughout their learning sessions at school and outside of school.</p> Cecelyia Evalyin Lingkon Copyright (c) 2024 Cecelyia Evalyin Lingkon https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 12 1 105 114 10.37134/kupasseni.vol12.1.12.2024