Activity Pattern, Energy Expenditure and Energy Intake Among Male Athletes During A Training and No Training Days
Physical activity, Energy expenditure, Energy intake, Athletes, Non-athletesAbstract
Physical activity has long been recognized as an important factor in enhancing health and reducing the risk of various chronic diseases. This study aimed to determine the physical activity pattern, total energy expenditure (TEE) and daily energy intake (EI) of a sample of male athletes on a training and no training days, and to compare with non-athletes. The subjects comprised 83 male athletes from various types of sports (athlete group), and 80 inactive men (non-athlete/ control group) aged 18 to 44 years. The TEE of subjects was calculated based on their daily activity. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) was calculated for all subjects based on body weight using the predictive equations of a previous locaI study. Physical activity level (PAL) was calculated as the ratio of TEE to BMR. The energy intake (EI) was obtained using a one day 24-hour diet recall. During a normal day, the mean TEE (2,272 kcal/day) and EI (2,461 kcal/day) of the athletes were not significantly different compared to the non-athletes (TEE=2,268 kcal/day; EI=2,340 kcal/day). However, on a training day, the mean TEE of the athletes was increased to 2,861 ± 638 kcal/day, while the mean EI increased to 2,739 ± 550 kcal/day, with a negative energy balance of 122 kcal. The higher TEE among athletes on the day of having sports training indicated that proper diet planning and nutrition education are vital for the group to achieve energy balance as well as optimal physical performance and overall health status.
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