The influence of loading during forward lunge exercise training on strength, power and agility
Loadings, forward lunge, physical abilities, untrainedAbstract
This study was conducted to determine and compare the effects of low loads (30% 1RM) versus high loads (70% 1RM) forward lunge exercise training on physical abilities. Thirty recreationally active, resistance-untrained men (mean age = 22.21 ± 1.59 years old) were recruited and divided into two training groups that were 30% 1RM forward lunge (30FL) and 70% 1RM forward lunge (70FL) and a control group (CG). Lunge 1RM, vertical jump, standing broad jump and agility t-test were tested pre and post training intervention as indicators of physical abilities. Results showed both treatment groups (30FL and 70FL) had significantly greater scores in all tests compared to CG during the post-test. 70FL had significantly higher improvement in 1RM lunge compared to 30FL group. However, the improvement for the vertical jump, standing broad jump and agility-t-test were found to be significantly greater in the 30FL. Results demonstrated the importance of training loads in determining the adaptations obtained.Downloads
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