The Validity of Interactive Multimedia Based on Cognitive Conflict on Elasticity Materials Using Adobe Animate CC 2019


  • Sonia Fitri Anggraini Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Padang, 25131, INDONESIA
  • Fatni Mufit 2Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Padang, 25131, INDONESIA



Interactive Multimedia, Cognitive Conflict, Misconception, Elasticity, Adobe Animate CC 2019


Low concept understanding and misconceptions often occur in physics learning, including concepts on elasticity. On the other hand, there are not many available IT-based teaching materials that support 21st century online learning that can improve understanding of concepts. Therefore, it is important to develop interesting IT-based teaching materials that can improve understanding of concepts and remediate students' misconceptions. This study aims to produce valid cognitive conflict-based interactive multimedia. This type of research is development/design research using the Plomp model. This article reports the results of the development phase, namely prototype design, self evaluation and expert review. The instrument collects data using a self-evaluation sheet and a validation sheet. The validity data were analyzed using the V-Aiken formula.Based on the results of the preliminary research, interactive multimedia has been designed with the following characteristics: composed of 4 syntaxes of cognitive conflict models, namely 1) activation of preconceptions and misconceptions, 2) presentation of cognitive conflicts, 3) discovery of concepts and similarities and 4) reflection. In the third syntax, a virtual laboratory on elasticity experiments is integrated. Multimedia was developed using the Adobe animate cc 2019 application to support interactivity between students as users and multimedia. The results of self-evaluation obtained a score of 1.00 with very valid criteria. The results of the validity test through expert review obtained a score of 0.79 with valid criteria. Interactive multimedia based on cognitive conflict has been valid in terms of material substance, learning design, visual communication display and software utilization. The interactive multimedia prototype can then be tested for practicality and effectiveness. The development of interactive multimedia based on cognitive conflict of elasticity material has implications for increasing conceptual understanding and supporting 21st century learning.


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How to Cite

Anggraini, S. F., & Mufit, F. (2022). The Validity of Interactive Multimedia Based on Cognitive Conflict on Elasticity Materials Using Adobe Animate CC 2019. EDUCATUM Journal of Social Sciences, 8(1), 13–22.