Feasibility of teaching and learning exploratory arts among non-optional teachers
Media and technique, art exploration, drawing, secondary school, non-optional teachersAbstract
This study was conducted to find out the feasibility of teaching and learning drawing exploration among non-option teachers of Visual Art Education (VAE) subjects in secondary schools. Non-option teachers (N-OTs) teach outside their area of expertise. This study also identified the need for teaching aids suitable for VAE subjects in conducting teaching and learning sessions when exploring media and drawing techniques. The case study design will be used with an unstructured interview protocol and class observation. This study complies with qualitative research methodology with ten respondents from secondary schools with non-option teachers. The selected sample was Visual Arts Education teachers from three schools around the districts of Klang and Petaling Perdana in Selangor. The study's findings will be analyzed using the thematic analysis method. The results of this study found that N-OTs taught media exploration learning and painting techniques mainly based on VAE textbooks, teaching videos from YouTube, and existing modules provided by the school. The feasibility of teaching and learning media exploration and drawing techniques among N-OTs is highly dependent on teaching aids obtained digitally and in print format. The provision of teaching aids among N-OTs has an impact on the quality of learning and teaching sessions. Students found it difficult to engage and failed to absorb the knowledge in drawing exploration due to N-OTs of VAE's poor hands-on ability and low fundamental knowledge in the art and design field.
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