The Ideology of Era Pluralist in The Production Artwork: Ketubukan Alternative Printmaking Exhibition 2010
Ideology, Print, Era Pluralist, Conventional, ContemporaryAbstract
The ideology of the era pluralist of the 1990s in the development of Malaysian printmakers has led to a new dimension in the production of contemporary artwork. Before the ideology of the era pluralist, printmaking in Malaysia only focused on conventional methods applied by immigrants from China to Malaysia at that time. The spread of the ideology of the era pluralist has resulted in diversity in the production of printmaking artworks where printed artworks can exist through everyday materials. Indirectly, the ideology of this era pluralist has shown the end of art history that is more concerned with aesthetic value and limited to personal questions. The existence of the term anything goes has boosted the production of printed artwork that was previously strained by strict rules in production. This study was carried out using art history research methods through a survey of the Alternative Printmaking Art Exhibition 2010 focusing on the works of Samsudin Wahab, Mansor Ibrahim, Dr Chew Teng Beng, Ishak Ramli, Noraza Arzain and Samsu Muhamad and will be analyzed using the theory of Style by Meyer Shapiro. The result of this exhibition review is expected to be used as a guide to discuss the relationship between daily use materials and printed artworks in classifying print art after the 1960 convention and the ideology of the pluralist era in the production of contemporary printed works.
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