Redefining Classroom Pottery: Cement-Based Composites as Eco-Friendly Substitutes for Clay


  • Sailaja Ramachandran Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Art, Sustainability and Creative Industry, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia
  • Nor Syazwani Mat Salleh Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Art, Sustainability and Creative Industry, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia
  • Azlin Iryani Mohd Noor Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Art, Sustainability and Creative Industry, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia



alternative materials, sustainability, meaningful learning, hands on experiences, cement-based composites


This article addresses the challenges in Visual Arts Education (VAE) of acquiring suitable materials for pottery instruction. It investigates the viability of cement-based composites as an alternative to clay in classrooms. The research involved 75 undergraduates and 33 VAE teachers and employed qualitative methods such as interviews, questionnaires, workshops, and field notes to gather and triangulate data. The study identified a significant gap, indicating a deficit in hands on experiences in pottery instruction at secondary education level. Thus, the Creinnomic Media Kit was designed and developed using the Addie Model to bridge this gap and to specifically enhance teachers’ content knowledge and instructional effectiveness in using cement-based composites. Framed within Ausubel’s Meaningful Learning Theory which emphasizes the importance of hands-on learning, the study demonstrated that cement-based composites are practical, versatile and cost effective for pottery instruction. Data analysis, including thematic, document, and content analysis, confirmed the practicality and effectiveness of cement-based composites in pottery instruction. Notably, the composites supported traditional pottery techniques such as casting, pinching, and slab construction, with finished products demonstrating durability and aesthetic qualities comparable to traditional clay pottery, without the need for firing and glazing This research contributes valuable insights into the potential of alternative materials to overcome resource constraints in VAE, promoting meaningful learning and creativity even when traditional materials are unavailable. This research provides essential insights for future advancements in VAE curricula, advocating for the integration of innovative teaching practices that utilize alternative materials to enrich the learning experience and foster student creativity.


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How to Cite

Ramachandran, S., Mat Salleh, N. S., & Mohd Noor, A. I. (2024). Redefining Classroom Pottery: Cement-Based Composites as Eco-Friendly Substitutes for Clay. KUPAS SENI: Jurnal Seni Dan Pendidikan Seni, 12(2), 10–22.