Need analysis for the development of a Learning Module Based on Blended Learning on the Topic of Recreation and Leisure for form four students in Physical Education
Analisis keperluan terhadap Pembangunan Modul Pembelajaran berasaskan Blended Learning topik Rekreasi dan Kesenggangan murid tingkatan empat dalam Pendidikan Jasmani
Module, blended learning, physical educationAbstract
This study was conducted to examine the need to develop a module based on blended learning for the topic of Recreation and Leisure in Physical Education among form four students. The study was carried out through a quantitative approach using a survey design. The Google Forms platform was used to distribute the research questionnaire. The instrument was widely distributed randomly through Telegram and WhatsApp applications. 64 Physical Education teachers addressed the survey. Then, the collected data has been analyzed descriptively. Based on the survey findings, 92.2 % of teachers agreed that a blended learning approach for Recreation and Leisure can pique students' interest. Additionally, the survey also revealed that 96.9 % of teachers agree that using interactive materials and infographics can increase student interest, 73.4% of teachers believe that students were unfamiliar with traditional games, 59.4% of students lacked exposure to obstacle runs and exploratory runs, 43.8% of students have difficulty comprehending verbal guidelines related to activities, 50% of students have trouble getting a sense of how activities are carried out in groups, and 43.8% of students struggle to complete the activities on their own. The survey found that textbooks and PowerPoint slide presentations continue to be the primary means of instruction in the classroom. The findings indicated that blended learning-based modules for Recreation and Leisure needed to be developed in line with the Ministry of Education’s recommendations for 21st-century learning.
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