Exploring Al Ghazali's Theory for Professional Development in Middle Leadership: A Systematic Literature Review
Al Ghazali, Professional Development, Middle Leadership, Educational Leadership, Ethical Leadership, Teacher DevelopmentAbstract
Al Ghazali's theory, renowned for its profound philosophical and ethical foundations, offers a unique lens through which to explore the intricacies of professional development in educational leadership. Al Ghazali's ethical theory emphasized virtues such as justice, wisdom, temperance, and courage, which can profoundly impact leadership practices and professional growth. This systematic literature review explores the intersection of Al Ghazali’s theory for professional development seeking to promote a comprehensive approach that bolsters both teacher empowerment and enhanced student outcomes. Employing the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) framework, a thorough search was conducted in SCOPUS and Web of Science databases using keywords such as “Al Ghazali,” “professional development,” and “middle leader teacher empowerment,”. Analysis of 16 relevant articles structured around four main themes: Al Ghazali's influence on professional development, middle leadership and instructional leadership, management and organizational practices, and environmental and contextual influences on educational development. The findings of the review suggest that Al Ghazali's theory, with its emphasis on self-reflection, lifelong learning, and spiritual development, has significant potential for enhancing the professional development of middle leaders in a variety of educational contexts. However, the review also highlights the need for further research to fully understand the complexities and challenges of implementing Al Ghazali's theory in different cultural and institutional settings.
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