Adopting Consistent PLS in Assessing the Influence of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility among Small Medium Sized Enterprises Employees


  • Mei Peng Low Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
  • Ramayah T. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia



PLSc, Internal CSR, Affective commitment, Job satisfaction, Turnover intention, SMEs employees


The research paper uses Consistent Partial Least Square (PLSc) which emerges as a more robust statistical approach recently, in assessing the influence of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) among Small Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) employees. A total of 383 responses were collected from SMEs employees located in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. The results for Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR = 0.040) was lower than 0.08 and the Normed Fit Index (NFI = 0.929) was higher than 0.90. Thus, it was deemed that the data fits the model well. The results indicate that Internal CSR could enhance employees’ affective commitment, increase job satisfaction and thereby reduce turnover intention with R2 recorded at 0.439, 0.410 and 0.275 respectively. Job satisfaction was found to be mediating the relationship between Internal CSR and turnover intention. The findings offer insights to SMEs in the manifestation of Internal CSR among employees’ attitude and behaviour; as well as showcase the predictive utility of PLSc.



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How to Cite

Peng Low, M., & T., R. (2018). Adopting Consistent PLS in Assessing the Influence of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility among Small Medium Sized Enterprises Employees. Management Research Journal, 7, 44–58.