Islamic Banking in Indonesia and Globalization in Era 4.0


  • Zulfikar Hasan Department of Islamic Banking and Center for Research and Community Service at STAIN, Bengkalis, Riau, INDONESIA
  • Mutia Rosiana Nita Putri Monash University Australia, AUSTRALIA



Globalization, Era 4.0, Islamic Banking


Our research looks at the impact of the industrial revolution 4.0 on the Islamic banking sector. The industrial revolution simply implies major and advanced innovations to the way humans produce goods. This great change has happened three times, and we are currently experiencing the fourth industrial revolution. Every major change is always followed by major changes in the economic, political, even military, and cultural fields. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has entered Indonesia since 2015. This provides opportunities for several economic sectors around the world to gain market share and wider investment. This study uses qualitative methods to explain the phenomenon being studied. The Sharia Supervisory Board and DSN-MUI are one of the regulators that make sharia banking stronger and more recognized. A different method that we use is a qualitative method by looking at and analyzing the object of research to be studied.


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How to Cite

Hasan, Z., & Nita Putri, M. R. (2021). Islamic Banking in Indonesia and Globalization in Era 4.0. Management Research Journal, 10(2), 103–111.