Dua Manuskrip Sufi Alam Melayu: Koleksi Anonymous Marsden
Two Malay Sufi Texts: Marsden Anonymous Collection
Malay manuscript, National Library of Malaysia, Marsden, Shamsuddīn al-Sumaṭerā`ī, manuscript comparisonAbstract
This article examines two anonymous manuscripts which are texts No. 9 and texts No. 11 Marsden 11648, Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. Texts No. 9 is compared with the manuscript entitled Risālah Kelebihan dan Kemuliaan Insan Daripada Sekelian Alam: Ms 1556, while texts No. 11 is compared with the manuscript entitled Risālah A΄yān Thābitah wa A΄yān Khārijiyyah: Ms 1556 F. The manuscripts Ms 1556 I, and Ms 1556 F are the collection of The Malay Manuscript Centre, National Library of Malaysia written by Shamsuddīn Ibn Abdullah al-Sumaṭerā`ī. The writer was the Shaykh al-Islam (Minister of Religion) of Aceh around 1588 to 1630 century. The transliterations for the all manuscripts are given. From the perspective of content similarity, a conclusion was made that texts, No. 9 and No. 11, anonymous manuscript of Marsden 11648, respectively are Risālah Kelebihan dan Kemuliaan Insan Daripada Sekelian Alam, and Risālah A΄yān Thābitah wa A΄yān Khārijiyyah written by Shamsuddīn al-Sumaṭerā`ī. The finding of this study is important so that the content analysis of the mention manuscripts can be made.