A Quest for Virtual Learning Merits and Demerits During the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Chandrakala Varatharajoo Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Orkid Desa, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Sheiladevi Sukumaran Faculty of Education, Languages, Psychology & Music, SEGI University, 47810 Selangor, Malaysia
  • Manivannan Subramaniam Jemaah nazir dan Jaminan Kualiti, Ipoh 30450, Perak, Malaysia




virtual learning, students, merits, demerits, pandemic


The study discusses the merits and demerits of virtual learning among Malaysian secondary school students in the first term of the Covid 19 pandemic. This quantitative research was conducted through a semi-structured online survey using a random sample technique of 100 respondents. It revealed that the respondents of this study preferred face to face learning over virtual learning. Multiple obstacles and hiccups including technical and internet issues, sharing of device, limited data, time management, among others, geared to this affirmation. Virtual learning during the first term of the pandemic offered more demerits than merits as the disadvantages overshadowed the benefits of online learning experienced by these secondary school students. The finding implies that understanding the demerits of virtual learning can assist in reducing the issues raised as well as providing effective solutions in future. This study proposes that education stakeholders to be extra vigilant and proactive during adversity so that students are committed to their continued success even in the virtual learning world.














Manfaat Dan Kepincangan Pembelajaran Maya

Semasa Pandemik C-19  





The study discusses the merits and demerits of virtual learning among Malaysian secondary school students in the first term of the Covid 19 pandemic. The study was a quantitative research conducted through a semi-structured online survey using a random sample technique of 100 respondents. It revealed that the respondents of this study preferred face to face learning over virtual or virtual learning. Multiple obstacles and hiccups including technical and internet issues, sharing of device, limited data, time management, among others, geared to this affirmation. Virtual learning during the first term of the pandemic offered more demerits than merits as the disadvantages overshadowed the benefits of online learning experienced by these secondary school students. The finding implies that understanding the demerits of virtual learning can assist in reducing the issues raised as well as providing effective solutions in future. This study proposes that all relevant stakeholders in the education system to be vigilant and proactive so that students can stay engaged in the virtual world of virtual learning and none will be left out during any trying times.



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How to Cite

Varatharajoo, C., Sukumaran, S., & Subramaniam, M. (2024). A Quest for Virtual Learning Merits and Demerits During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Perspektif Jurnal Sains Sosial Dan Kemanusiaan, 16(1), 96–103. https://doi.org/10.37134/perspektif.vol16.1.8.2024