The Dual Roles of Single Mothers: Challenges in Managing Single-Parent Families and the Role of Social Support


  • Mohamad Azarul A’inol bin Wahab Jabatan Pengajian Moral, Sivik dan Pembangunan Karakter, Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjung Malim, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia
  • Zuraini binti Jamil @ Osman Jabatan Pengajian Moral, Sivik dan Pembangunan Karakter, Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjung Malim, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia



dual-role, single mother, single-parent, challenge, social support


Single mothers often find themselves struggling with dual roles as they balance work, parenting responsibilities and managing their children. They act as the primary breadwinners while also raising their children. These dual roles create various challenges for single mothers, such as financial pressures that lead to emotional stress, as they strive to create a stable and supportive environment for their children. In dealing with these dual roles, social support from various parties plays a crucial role in helping single mothers cope with these challenges. This study aims to explore the dual-role challenges faced by single mothers in managing single-parent families and the role of social support in helping them shoulder these responsibilities. A qualitative method, using document analysis from articles and online newspapers, was employed in this study to obtain information related to the dual roles of single mothers and social support. The study found that the dual-role challenges faced by single mothers include economic challenges, particularly in financial management, emotional challenges in managing stress and social challenges, especially societal stigma. In terms of social support, family, friends, neighbors and the community play vital roles in helping with emotional and mental well-being and providing instrumental support. Overall, the study's implications highlight the various challenges faced by single mothers in carrying out dual roles and reveal the social support provided to them.


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How to Cite

Wahab, M. A. A., & Jamil @ Osman, Z. (2024). The Dual Roles of Single Mothers: Challenges in Managing Single-Parent Families and the Role of Social Support. Perspektif Jurnal Sains Sosial Dan Kemanusiaan, 16(2), 24–34.