Relationship Between Motor Creativity and Science Process Skills of Preschool Children


  • Munevver Can Yaşar Child Development Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Alaattin Keykubat University, Alanya, TURKİYE
  • Nezahat Hamiden Karaca Department of Preschool Education, Faculty of Education, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon, TURKİYE
  • Assoc. Dr Halil Uzun Department of Preschool Education, Kilisli Muallim Rifat Faculty of Education, Kilis 7 Aralık University, Kilis, TÜRKİYE



Scientific process skills, motor creativity, creativity, preschool education, early childhood development


This study was conducted to examine the relationship between scientific process skills and motor creativity in preschool children. The study group included 72 children attending kindergartens affiliated to Afyonkarahisar Provincial Directorate of National Education in Turkiye, with normal developmental characteristics, and determined by simple random sampling according to the principle of getting permission from their families. In the study, "General Information Form", "Scientific Process Skills Assessment Scale (SPSAS)" and "Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement (TCAM)" were used as data collection tools. In the analysis of the data obtained; descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage were used to evaluate the demographic characteristics of children and their families. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between SPSAS and TCAM. As a result of the study, for the children's points from scales, no relationship was found between SPSAS sub-dimensions, and the fluency and originality sub-dimensions of the TCAM. However, a positive relationship was found between the observation, measurement, communication, prediction sub-dimensions of SPSAS, and imagination sub-dimension of TCAM.


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How to Cite

Can Yaşar, M., Karaca, N. H., & Uzun, H. (2022). Relationship Between Motor Creativity and Science Process Skills of Preschool Children. Southeast Asia Early Childhood Journal, 11(2), 152–165.