Investigation of the levels of self-efficacy and perceived mattering of parents with preschool children


  • Nazan Kaytez Çankiri Karatekin University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Child Development, Çankırı, Turkey
  • Bayram Deleş Erzincan Binali Yildirim University, Vocational High School of Health Services Child Development Program, Erzincan, Turkey



parents, child development, mattering, self-efficacy


This study aims to investigate the self-efficacy levels and perceived mattering of parents with preschool children. The study employed a correlational survey research design. The study group of the research consists of 302 parents whose children attend private preschool educational institutions in the city center of Gümüşhane province, Turkey. The data of the study were collected using Introductory Information Form, the General Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Perceived Mattering Questionnaire. T-test, ANOVA, and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that fathers and parents with male children have higher levels of perceived mattering. In addition, it was found that parents who live in a nuclear family, have two children, have a marriage duration of 5-9 years, and are very satisfied with their marriage have high levels of self-efficacy and perceived mattering. It was also found that parents' sense of mattering to their spouses positively affects their self-efficacy levels. In this context, spouses' perceptions of mattering and self-efficacy can be investigated in more detail and this solution-oriented studies can be carried out on this issue.


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How to Cite

Kaytez, N., & Deleş, B. (2023). Investigation of the levels of self-efficacy and perceived mattering of parents with preschool children. Southeast Asia Early Childhood Journal, 12(2), 118–129.