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Kindly refer to the checklist for submission before sending the manuscript to JURAI SEMBAH for review. Make sure that the followings are followed.
Division of Full Research Articles
The TITLE of the article should be concise and informative. It should be at the Top Center text with the size of 14”.
The Name of AUTHOR(s), their AFFILIATIONS (where the work was carried out) and contact details of the corresponding author along with e-mail address are compulsory.
Abstract should be a brief summary of the research work conducted. It must include a summary of the purpose of the research, problem statement, objectives, research method used, results and discussion, conclusions, recommendation and future scope of the work. An abstract should be presented separately from the article, usually top page (front) of the article. References, non-standard abbreviations should be avoided. The commonly used abbreviations should be defined in the text and not in abstract. Also, an abstract must not exceed 250 words.
Keywords: Kindly provide a maximum of 5 keywords related to the study.
Introduction includes the background of the study, objectives, research problem and significant of the study.
Kindly provide adequate details on research methodology of this study. Theory selected, data collection method and the type of research method used should be described in this section.
Results and discussion should be perfect and concise. Extensive citations should be avoided.
Figures and the tables should be included in the single file and placed next to the relevant text in the manuscript.
Tables: Tables (Table 1, Table 2, ...) should be presented as part of the text.
A descriptive title or caption should be sited above each table with serial numbers.
Figures/Graphs: Figures/Graphs (Figure 1/Graph 1, Figure 2/Graph 2, ...) also should be presented as part of the text.
The title or caption should be sited centred below the figure with serial numbers.
Conclusions should be based on the findings of the study. Also, the achievements of the study should be given. It should be brief and conclusive. Further, the recommendations based on the study should be included if needed. Moreover, the scope for further studies in this field of study should be added if necessary.
References format should be consistent for the entire references list. All the references cited in the article must be included in references. Kindly follow American Psychological Association (APA) style of citation.
Important Information
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