JPAKK Manuscript Format
Types of paper
Types of contributions: Research Papers, Review Papers, and Short Communications (Letters).
- Research Papers may be of any length (maximum of 7000 words) which has not been published previously and it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere or it will not be published elsewhere in the same form. They should include an abstract of no more than 250 words and should be divided into numbered sections, as described in manuscript format.
-Review Papers should give an extensive, up to date, state of the art account of a current important research topic with a maximum of 10000 words. The article should be formatted as is a Research Paper but contains a list of contents immediately after the abstract.
-Short Communications (Letters) are short and concise manuscript that are no more than 3000 words in length and should include no more than five figure and tables combined. It is a brief report of original, significant, and timely research results on the JPAKK which warrants rapid publication.
Submission checklist
Please refer to the submission checklist before sending the manuscript to the JPAKK for review. Please ensure that the following items are present:
-Articles must be submitted in Malay or English only.
-The article submitted should be accompanied with a cover letter that state the novelty and importance of the work and why it is most suitable for the JPAKK.
-Please also provide four (4) potential reviewers in order to expedite the review process in the cover letter. Contact details (name, institution, email and field) are helpful.
-JPAKK only tolerate 30% of similarity index for all submitted article. Similarity check should be provided along with submitted article.
-The article should be written according to the latest of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).
Full-length research articles/letter should be divided into:
-Title and Author(s) Affiliation
-Keywords (maximum of 6 keywords)
-Discussion and Implications
Important Information:
-Once the paper is accepted for publication in JPAKK, the paper cannot be published elsewhere and we have the right to publish the paper in any materials form.
-Tables/figures/copyrighted material from other sources used from other Publications should get permission from the corresponding publishers to grant them the right to publish the material in their paper.
-Manuscript should be 'grammar and spell checked'. Manuscript should demonstrate excellent level of Malay and English language, grammar, punctuation, spelling and overall style of scientific writing.
Editorial process
-Authors are notified on receipt of an article and upon the editorial decision regarding publication.
-Every article will be peer-reviewed by double blind reviewers as well as independent Editor by JPAKK Editorial Members. Decisions regarding the publication of a manuscript will be based on the JPAKK Editorial Board's recommendations. The manuscript will be assessed and evaluated based on its suitability with JPAKK’s aims and scopes, contribution and meet the JPAKK target discipline, valid and reliable experimental design and analysis and good overall manuscript presentation.
Article should be sent through our eJournal UPSI ( online submission.
Kindly download the article template here: ARTICLE TEMPLATE JPAK
Thank You.
Chief Editor
Jurnal Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak Kebangsaan
National Child Development Research Centre (NCDRC)
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
35900 Tanjong Malim
Perak, Malaysia