Peer Review Policy

The editorial processes follow standard procedures thus: 

  • Submission/Online submissions
  • Notify the manuscript acceptances
  • Initial evaluation
  • Initial Plagiarism screen
  • Allocation of reviewers based on article content
  • Reviewing process
  • Author re-submissions if necessary
  • Further editing and processing
  • Final decision for publication 

Initial Manuscript Evaluation: 

Publishable manuscripts will be referred to the Editorial Board members and/or other reviewers. The Editor will evaluate all submitted manuscripts. It is possible for a manuscript to be accepted or rejected at this stage depends on the originality of the content, accuracy of the scientific data, writing quality, or if it meet the aims and scope of the journal 

Reviewing process: 

Journal Pendidikan BITARA (BITARA Educational Journal) is double blind reviewing process, where both the reviewer/referee and author(s) remain anonymous throughout the process. The manuscript that is accepted in this stage will be passed on to at least 2 experts for reviewing process. The time required for the review process is estimated to be two-four weeks after the reviewer agree to review. Should the reviewer’s reports contradict one another or a report is unnecessarily delayed, a further expert opinion will be sought. The Editor will then inform the decision to the author(s) with reviewer’s report. If the decision is to revise the manuscript, the revised manuscripts will be returned to the initial reviewer for evaluation process.