Adaptation of Residents of Kampung Topokon, Tuaran to the Accessibility and Availability of Food Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Sheron Malanting Pelajar Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
  • Colonius Atang Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia



Adaptation, food accessibility, food availability, agricultural sector


Food is an important basic source for human survival, food is the main source of human energy to be able to carry out daily activities well. There is no doubt that today's people's access to food sources is easier, where people can buy the food sources they want with stable purchasing power, but their full dependence on the purchase of food cannot meet the food needs of households during the Movement Control Order (MCO). This study examines the adaptation of the villagers of Topokon, Tuaran in ensuring the accessibility and availability of their food supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses quantitative methods through the distribution of survey forms as the main data and qualitative methods through semi-structured interviews as supporting data. This study uses a simple random sampling method, where the target population is residents of Kampung Topokon, Tuaran who are 18 years old and above and are the head of each household, the sample size of this study is 97 people. The study found that the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic was one of the factors that disrupted the availability and accessibility of food resources, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the food production chain process being able to be carried out only minimally due to the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO), disruptions in household income and rising prices of goods also affected the availability and accessibility of food resources for the population during the pandemic. The results of this study found that among the steps taken by the residents of Kampung Topokon, Tuaran are to start being active in the food agriculture sector (Crops and Livestock), as well as using traditional skills in processing food supplies. This study proves that, through the adaptation actions carried out by the Topokon community, Tuaran, food supplies can be stored for a long time, the adaptation actions taken also provide continuous supply and access to households, and increase the level of independence (SSL) as well as reduce dependence on the purchase of food supplies during the pandemic.


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How to Cite

Sheron, M., & Colonius, A. (2024). Adaptation of Residents of Kampung Topokon, Tuaran to the Accessibility and Availability of Food Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic. GEOGRAFI, 12(1), 117–139.


