Education Values of the Arts Performances Mask "Mak Yong" in Mantang Arang Society Riau Island Province


  • Yatna Yuana Sumardi Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia


Values Education, Performing Arts, Mantang Arang Kepri, Riau Island


This study aims to assess the performance art "Mak Yong" with a qualitative approach starts from the phenomenological view of Weber who put pressure on Verstehen, the understanding meaning of human behavior as intended by the perpetrators themselves, that the interpretative nature of research itself. In particular reveals the role of mask art form "Mak Yong" as a performing arts and educational values embodied in the mask symbol "Mak Yong" in the Mantang Arang Kepulauan Riau.


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How to Cite

Sumardi, Y. Y. (2013). Education Values of the Arts Performances Mask "Mak Yong" in Mantang Arang Society Riau Island Province. Jurnal Peradaban Melayu, 8, 169–191. Retrieved from