The effectiveness of using the Model Polya in improving mathematical reasoning skills


  • Karthikesan Manikabasagan SJKT Ladang Soon Lee, 34300 Bagan Serai, Perak, Malaysia



reasoning skills, Model Polya, mathematical reasoning


This research was conducted to examine the use of the Model Polya in solving non-routines helps in improving mathematical reasoning skills on 16 students of a Year 5 class from a school in Kerian district. Focused action to improve reasoning skills in mathematics in this study was completed within four weeks. The Model Polya in solving non-routine problems is a student-centered learning method in which students were given problems to be solved through the model. Methods of data collection used were the pre ad post tests, observations, students’ work sheets and interviews. Data collected were analysed qualitatively. The result of data analysis showed that the use of the Model Polya in solving non-routine problems improved students’ proficiency in mathematics reasoning skills. There were two aspects that influenced the improvement in the students’ reasoning skills: orderly process, and representations. The proposed follow-up to this research is the use of interactive powerpoints in solving non-routine problems using the model.


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How to Cite

Manikabasagan, K. (2024). The effectiveness of using the Model Polya in improving mathematical reasoning skills. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Dan Matematik Malaysia, 14(2), 65–79.