
Call for Papers for Volume 12, 2024


The Journal of Science and Mathematics Letters (JSML) is pleased to announce a general call for papers for Volume 12, 2024 In this Call for Papers, the journal is inviting article submissions from academics and researchers who are involved in various aspects of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. The journal also seeks articles related to applied sciences and mathematics (but are by no means limited to) as well as Science Education.

Prospective authors are invited to submit their articles through our online submission system. There are NO submission and publication fees, and the published open-access articles will be accessible online free of charge. Submit the manuscript as soon as possible to ensure timely publication. Accepted articles will be published as soon as possible on the journal's website. 

Read more about Call for Papers for Volume 12, 2024

Current Issue

Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): June
					View Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): June
Published: 2024-05-15


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