Author Guidelines


Research Article may be of any length which has not been published previously and it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere or it will not be published elsewhere in the same form. They should include an abstract of no more than 300 words and should be divided into numbered sections, as described in manuscript format. 

Review Article should give an extensive, up to date, state of the art account of a current important research topic. The article should be formatted as is a Research Article but contains a list of contents immediately after the abstract. 

Short Communications are short and concise manuscript that are not more than 5 pages in length and should include no more than 5 figures and tables combined. It is a brief report of original, significant, and timely research results on the JSML which warrants rapid publication. 


Please refer to the submission checklist before sending the manuscript to the JSML for review. Please ensure that the following items are present:

Articles must be submitted in English. JSML only tolerate 25% of similarity index for all submitted article. Similarity check should be provided along with submitted article.

The article submitted should be accompanied with a cover letter that state the novelty and importance of the work and why it is most suitable for the JSML. Please also provide 4 potential reviewers in order to expedite the review process in the cover letter. Contact details (name, institution, email and field) are helpful. COVER LETTER TEMPLATE

Article should be written in the Microsoft Words template: ARTICLE TEMPLATE

Authors should download one of the recently published article for clarification of formatting the manuscript. It is preferred to have the manuscript organized under the following headings:

  • Title and Author(s) Affiliation
  • Abstract
  • Keywords (maximum of 6 keywords)
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Author Contribution Statement
  • Data Availability Statement
  • References
  • Appendices/Supplementary Material

TITLE. Concise and informative. Please avoid abbreviations and formulae. 

Authors. Full names of all the authors should be given with superscript numbers indicating their affiliations. The corresponding author should be indicated by superscript asterisk. 

Affiliations. A full address of each author should be given and indicated by superscript numbers if the addresses of authors are different.

Corresponding author. The corresponding author’s e-mail address should be given. 

ABSTRACT. It must contain a brief summary of the purpose of the research, problem, method/approach, principal results, major conclusions and future/potential application of the work. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. Therefore, references should be avoided, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, and abbreviations should be defined the first time they are used, both in the abstract and in the text. But, never define abbreviations in an abstract and text unless they are used later in the abstract. 

KEYWORDS. Please provide related keywords, maximum of 6 keywords.

INTRODUCTION. State the novelty/objectives and/or statement of hypothesis, research problem/or significant of the work and provide an adequate research background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. Please provide sufficient detail on research design/methodology in order to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods that already published previously should be indicated by references: only relevant changes/modifications should be described in this section.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Clear and concise. Please avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literatures.

Please ensure the figures and the tables included in the single file are placed next to the relevant text in the manuscript.

Tables. Tables (refer with: Table 1, Table 2, ..) should be presented as part of the text. A descriptive title should be placed above each table.

Figures. Figures (refer with: Figure 1, Figure 2, ...) also should be presented as part of the text. The caption should be self-contained and placed centred below the figure.

Equations. Equations (refer with: Eq. 1, Eq. 2, ...) and there should be one line of space above the equation and one line of space below it before the text continues. The equations have to be numbered sequentially, and the number put in parentheses at the right hand edge of the text.

CONCLUSION. Conclusions should reflect achievements of the authors’ work and it should be concise and conclusive.

**Starting 2025, authors need to add Conflict of Interest, Author Contribution Statement, Data Availability Statement and Acknowledgements, in the article.

Conflict of Interest. It should disclose any financial or non-financial interests such as political, personal, or professional relationships that may be interpreted as having influenced the manuscript. The phrase "The authors declare no conflicts of interest" should be included if there is no conflict of interest.

Author Contribution Statement. All listed authors must have made a significant scientific contribution to the research in the manuscript, approved its claims, and agreed to be an author. It is important to list everyone who made a significant scientific contribution. Provide at minimum one contribution for each author in the manuscript and use the CRediT taxonomy to describe each contribution.

Sample CRediT author statement: Ramadhansyah Putra Jaya.: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software. Reza Pahlevi Munirwan.: Data curation, Writing- Original draft preparation. Bunyamin.: Visualization, Investigation. Chan Cao.: Supervision. Ying Ma: Software, Validation. Yurika Tamuraki.: Writing- Reviewing and Editing.

Data Availability Statement. The data availability statement is a valuable link between a paper’s results and the supporting evidence. JSML data policy is based on transparency, descriptions of what data are available and/or information on how to access data that is not publicly available.

Acknowledgements. The funder attribution/Trust’s contributions/agencies must be acknowledged in the publication. The Funding agency (written out in full), grant number (in brackets), multiple grant numbers and agencies (separated by comma and space), should be included in the acknowledgement section.

REFERENCES. Please ensure that all references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa. 


Author AA. (Year). Title of article. Journal Title (Full name and italic), Volume (issue), pages. [Do not use et al. Include names of all the authors]


Zin SM, Mohamed F, Noor NNM. (2022). Numerical taxonomic evaluation of leaf architectural morphology of Vitex L. species (Lamiaceae Martinov) in Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Science and Mathematics Letters, 10(2), 1-15.


Author AA. (Year). Book title. Publisher, Place/Country, page.

Miller JN, Miller JC. (2010). Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry. Pearson Education Limited, England, p. 202-210. 

Paper in proceedings

Author AA. (Year). Title. Proceedings of the [Conference name], [Date], [Venue]. 


Author AA. (Year). Thesis title. Master/PhD Thesis/Dissertation, [Name of University], Place/Country. 

Online sources

Website name. (Year). Place, Publisher; [accessed Date]. URL. 

Online Submission

Article should be sent through our eJournal UPSI ( online submission.


It should contain relevant and complementary data to those presented in the manuscript. Supplemental material always remains associated with its article and is not subjected to any modifications after publication. These files may be submitted in various formats but should be publication-ready, as these files are published exactly as supplied. Material that has been published previously is not acceptable for posting as supplemental material. Their format can be tables, graphs, spectra, films and so on. All are supporting information should be referred to in the manuscript, with titles (and, if desired, legends) for all files listed under the heading ‘Supporting Information’.


For any illustrations, tables, or figures already published elsewhere, authors are responsible for getting permission from the copyright holders. The publisher of the journal or book in which the Figure or Table first appeared is most often the copyright owner. In this case, a letter from the author(s)/publisher should be included to confirm that permission to reproduce the image has been given.


All papers are subjected to a preliminary evaluation by an Editor, who may reject an article before it has been submitted for peer review if it falls outside the journal's scope or is of inadequate quality. Following this first screening, manuscripts that seem to be appropriate are submitted to single-blind peer-review by a minimum of two independent reviewers/experts. The authors are requested to nominate at least three individuals who are qualified to evaluate their paper. All recommended reviewers must have their present email addresses provided.


The manuscript should be written in the English language clearly and understandably. The manuscript should be proofread for proper spelling and grammar use. We shall promptly return any manuscripts that are not complete or are not in good condition.


A well-established component of the editorial process is plagiarism screening. Turnitin software will be used to verify all submitted manuscripts for plagiarism check.


Manuscripts ready for publication are uploaded as "Online First" versions as soon as they are completed. When the authors have completed the final proofreading and addressed issues, the manuscripts are deemed ready for publishing. Authors need to understand that once their articles are published online, they cannot be changed.


JSML is an open access, peer reviewed journal, which means that all articles are freely available without charge to all users immediately upon publication. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles.