Validity and Reliability of Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire Among Adolescents in Terengganu
Adolescents, healthy lifestyle, validity, reliabilityAbstract
Recently, the practices of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents have been decreased and may increase the risk of obesity and other non-communicable diseases. Adolescence is considered a crucial stage in human life that needs the utmost attention from parents and teachers. Therefore, observing the healthy lifestyle prevalence, trends and behavior are significant to support any healthy lifestyle interventions among this population. The intervention to increase a healthy lifestyle should be planned based on valid and reliable data. Although there are a few instruments to measure the level of a healthy lifestyle, they might not be suitable for the target population due to differences in terms of education, culture, environment, and others. This study aims to adapt and translate the instrument to measure healthy lifestyle practices among adolescents in Terengganu. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were tested using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Cronbach’s alpha. There are seven components: healthy diet, physical activity, free from substance abuse, sleeping habit, social support, limited screen time, and stress management, with 47 items explained for 52.785 % of the variance in the pattern of relationships among the items. All 7 components had high reliability (α =. 73 – α = .88). Forty-seven items remained in the final questionnaire after deleting 24 items. All the related parties can use this questionnaire to seek the practices of a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, any plan or intervention related to a healthy lifestyle can be established based on valid and reliable data.
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