Call for Papers
Call for Papers
Munsyi Journal Pengajian Sejarah is pleased to announce a general call for papers for publication for 2024. We are inviting article submissions from academics,researchers and students of history.
Call for Papers
Munsyi Journal Pengajian Sejarah is pleased to announce a general call for papers for publication for 2024. We are inviting article submissions from academics,researchers and students of history.
Munsyi Jurnal Pengajian Sejarah [eISSN 3036-0234] is a journal that encourages academic debate among scholars, academics, researchers and students. This journal seeks to cover all aspects of history, prehistory and history education. All themes related to history, prehistory and history education are covered in this journal without geographical and chronological boundaries. Articles, reviews, notes address contemporary issues, concerns, policies and practice, drawing upon those themes are also welcome. This journal is published twice a year (June & December) in electronic form.
Article contributions are welcome from scholars, academics, researchers and students from various institutions, based on the results of organized studies and research.
Copyright © 2023 Pejabat Karang Mengarang (UPSI Press), Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.
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Last updated: January 20, 2023
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