Johor Malay Community Dress Fashion 1957 - 1970's
Fesyen Pakaian Masyarakat Melayu Johor 1957 – 1970-An
fashion, Johore, Media, Malay, Attires, UMNOAbstract
This paper analyses popular fashion attire trends in the Malay community of Johore in 1957–1970. The focus revolved around factors that led to the changes that occurred in the choice of fashion among Malays in Johore during the period under study. Therefore, fashion choices among younger generations, teachers, and students, as well as important figures in society, were illustrated in this paper. This study employs historical methodology and a qualitative approach, involving heuristics, critique, interpretation, and historical writing. This study finds that Malay attire during this period of study was changing from traditional to modern styles. The main reason for this change came from the influence of mass media and the entertainment industry. This study also suggests that despite attention to modern attire and fashion, some Malays prefer traditional clothing. Commitment to preserve traditional clothing was seen through critics raised against modern attire and efforts to maintain its use within Malays society by UMNO. In summary, changes occurred due to the influence brought in by the media, and people tend to opt for something that they thought would be beneficial and better. In the course of the discussion on the history of the fashion adopted by the Malays in Johore during the period of this study, information suggests that the shift of tendency and thoughts among Malay had occurred as they preferred to choose modernity over tradition.
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