Politics and Power: A Study on Nahdlatul Wathan in Lombok Island, Indonesia, 1997-2010

Politik dan Kuasa: Kajian Terhadap Nahdlatul Wathan di Pulau Lombok, Indonesia, 1997-2010


  • Hasbi Ardhani Jabatan Sejarah, Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, MALAYSIA
  • Ishak Saat Jabatan Sejarah, Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, MALAYSIA
  • Ahmad Zainudin Husin Jabatan Sejarah, Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, MALAYSIA




Nahdlatul Wathan, Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid, politics, power


Nahdlatul Wathan is the largest organization in Lombok Island founded by a charismatic Ulama in 1953. It has in fact been there since 1926. The organization movement focuses on the field of education, social and Islamic da'wah. Since NW has a large congregation, it cannot be avoided from political influence. This article aims to determine how politics and power are controlled by the organization. In this research, the historical method is used which contains heuristics, source of criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results show that the founder of NW, namely Tuan Guru Kiai Haji Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid, was directly involved in politics, as evidenced by the results of the first general election in 1955, where he was elected as a parliement member. In its development, NW's affiliation with political parties had shifted. Along with the fall of the Soeharto regime, NW experienced a split in its organization, which has different direction of political ideologies supported by their respective leaders. Upon its glory, NW managed to win the election of Governors, Regents and members of the DPRD-RI, Provinces, and Districts despite facing tribulations.


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How to Cite

Ardhani, H., Saat, I., & Husin, A. Z. (2022). Politics and Power: A Study on Nahdlatul Wathan in Lombok Island, Indonesia, 1997-2010: Politik dan Kuasa: Kajian Terhadap Nahdlatul Wathan di Pulau Lombok, Indonesia, 1997-2010. Perspektif Jurnal Sains Sosial Dan Kemanusiaan, 14(1), 29–40. https://doi.org/10.37134/perspektif.vol14.1.3.2022