"I wanted to grow up to be strong enough to do all the work and help my mother": Why Do Children Want to Grow Up Rapid?


  • Vakkas Yalcin Department of Early Childhood Education, Kilis 7 Aralık University, Mehmet Sanlı Mah. Doğan Güreş Paşa Bul. No:134, Kilis, Turkey




Preschool education, early childhood education, negative childhood experiences, unwanted childhood experiences


A supportive environment is critical for individuals to protect their developmentally bio-psycho-socio-emotional health. This research was carried out to determine the possible causes of "desire for rapid growth", which is frequently seen in childhood, and the emotional states caused by "desire for rapid growth" in children, were carried out in a basic qualitative research design. The research participants are 60 undergraduate students who are preschool pre-service teachers. Within the scope of the study, data were collected through focus group discussion and documents, and the study's results were reached through content analysis, one of the qualitative analysis methods. Based on the study findings, participant showed long-term effects such as emotional emptiness, nostalgia, permanent emotional and social impact, and lastly, the "desire for rapid growth" is experienced, It was concluded that they had feelings of worthlessness, inferiority, anger, stuckness, and insecurity. In addition, among all participants, 56 has at least experienced once in their childhood the “desire for rapid growth”.


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How to Cite

Yalcin, V. (2024). "I wanted to grow up to be strong enough to do all the work and help my mother": Why Do Children Want to Grow Up Rapid?. Southeast Asia Early Childhood Journal, 13(1), 116–132. https://doi.org/10.37134/saecj.vol13.1.8.2024


