The Cross-Cultural Traditions of Korea and Bali: Performing Arts Tradition as a Cultural Diplomatic Representation


  • Dewa Ngakan Made Ari Putra Taman Bali University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • I Made Christian Wiranata Rediana Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia



Cultural Diplomacy, Cross-Cultural, Performing Arts


This study aims to understand the significance of the cross-cultural process of traditional performance texts as a means of bilateral cultural diplomacy. 50 years of bilateral relations between Korea and Indonesia in “Korea-Indonesia Performing Arts of Drama Dance & Music of Thousand Years” by KCCI (Korean Cultural Center Indonesia) became a concrete form of a cross-cultural phenomenon in the realm of traditional performing arts. The essence of cross-cultural is realized in the form of collaborative performances of Korean and Balinese traditional arts as a representation of Indonesia. A collaborative kecak performance intersects with the repertoire conventions of 부채춤 [buchaechum] & 사물놀이 [samulnori] with the Sri Kamelawi & Legong dance are the material objects in this study. Data was obtained using the qualitative multi-sited ethnography method through in-depth interviews and supported by secondary data through literature study, observation, and documentation. This research uses cultural diplomacy theory as a theoretical basis and main guidance for interpreting data. The crossover between Korean and Balinese performance texts is a process of negotiating traditional performance forms that have been established temporally and reduced in certain aspects. The process of reducing the convention is the way to create a new temporary convention, which becomes an alternative performance form for transmitting the values of 50 years of Korea-Indonesia bilateral relations. Bilateral cultural diplomacy is a concrete forum for cultural dialectics. Performing arts are an appropriate medium for the representation of cultural diplomacy.


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How to Cite

Dewa Ngakan Made Ari Putra Taman Bali, & Wiranata Rediana, I. M. C. (2023). The Cross-Cultural Traditions of Korea and Bali: Performing Arts Tradition as a Cultural Diplomatic Representation. Jurai Sembah, 4(2), 24–42.