Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of Economic Literacy Measures: A Systematic Review


  • Nurudeen Babatunde Bamiro Department of Economics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
  • Zainizam Zakariyah Department of Economics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
  • Qian Li Department of Economics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
  • Sulaiman Adewale Department of Education Leadership and Management, University of Johannesburg, South Africa




Economic Literacy, Financial literacy, Psychometric, Test of Economic Literacy, Systematic Review


Prior studies often misinterpreted economic literacy concepts, constructs, and psychometric properties as related but distinct ideas. This often led to inaccurate measurement choices and poor generalisation of research outcomes. This research investigates economic literacy's conceptual clarity, factors influencing it, psychometric properties of measures, and suggests suitable instruments for its assessment. The PRISMA protocol was used in the study, while data were collected from WOS, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Out of the 126 publications from 2014 to 2023, 24 studies met inclusion criteria. The quality of the articles that met the inclusion criteria was assessed using MMAT tools. The result indicated that the measurement of economic literacy's depends on theoretical perspectives. Psychometric qualities of economic literacy assessment are influenced by theoretical perspectives, social context, and the chosen unit of analysis. Additionally, criterion-based measurements tend to focus on knowledge and may not provide an accurate measure of economic literacy. The provide guidelines to operationalize, and measure economic literacy while preventing confusion with related concepts. The study stressed the need for validation of the TEL scale across countries due to curriculum and socioeconomic variations.


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Author Biographies

Nurudeen Babatunde Bamiro, Department of Economics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia

Department of Language, Arts and Social Science Education, Lagos State University, Nigeria

Qian Li, Department of Economics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia

Department of Economics and Management, Faculty of Development of Economics, Ankang University, Shannxi, China


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How to Cite

Bamiro, N. B., Zakariyah, Z., Qian Li, & Adewale, S. (2024). Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of Economic Literacy Measures: A Systematic Review. Asian Journal of Assessment in Teaching and Learning, 14(1), 85–104. https://doi.org/10.37134/ajatel.vol14.1.8.2024