Hamka and the Rise of Kaum Muda (the Modernist) in Indonesia


  • Ahmad Nabil Amir Former Associate Research Fellow, International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC-IIUM), 24 Persiaran Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Bukit Tunku, 50480, Kuala Lumpur
  • Tasnim Abdul Rahman Fakulti Pengajian Kontemporari Islam, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) Kampus Gong Badak, Gong Badak 21300 Kuala Nerus,Terengganu




Hamka, Muhammad Abduh, Tafsir al-Azhar, Reform, Modernist


The paper aims to study the historical background of the Islamic reform movement in West Sumatera with particular reference to the idea of Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah or his pseudonym Hamka (1908-1981). His religious ideal was instrumental in driving the new consciousness and unprecedented religious struggle that erupted in the late 20th century in the Malay Archipelago, which reflected the force of modern ideas of Shaykh Muhammad Abduh (1849-1905) that had brought decisive and most significant influence in the region. The reform movement he inaugurated was carried out by Kaum Muda (the young faction) in the Malay Archipelago, who disseminated his dynamic ideas and aspirations through journals and newspapers such as Al-Imam, Al-Munir, and Saudara. One of the leading figures and pioneers in the struggle of Kaum Muda was Haji Rasul and Kiyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan, whose legacy was continued by Hamka, who was celebrated as the foremost advocate of Abduh’s reformist ideas through his influential writing and activity. Therefore, this research analyzes Hamka’s reputed struggle in leading this unprecedented religious movement for reform (islah) and renewal (tajdid) in the Malay world. This research aims to develop his legacy and monumental contribution to the Malay world's history and tradition of reform.


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How to Cite

Amir, A. N., & Abdul Rahman, T. (2024). Hamka and the Rise of Kaum Muda (the Modernist) in Indonesia. AL-MAKRIFAH Journal of Knowledge and Learning in Islamic Tradition and Culture, 2(2), 65–71. https://doi.org/10.37134/almakrifah.vol2.2.5.2024