The Relationship Between Family Socioeconomic Status and Students' E-Learning Experiences
Socioeconomic status, E-Learning experiences, Mathematics achievementAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on learning processes worldwide. It has been determined that the family's socioeconomic status (SES) is an important factor affecting the learning processes at this time. Students from higher-SES backgrounds usually have more access to educational resources and opportunities. On the other hand, students from lower-SES families are more likely to face problems that can get in the way of their learning. This study examines the effect of parents' educational background on students’ mathematical achievement, the relationship between parents' financial status and students' e-learning experiences, and the influence of parents' financial status on a student's mathematics achievement. For this quantitative study, 100 Form 4 students from SMK Dato Onn were randomly selected to answer 15 survey questions. To achieve the objectives of this study, descriptive and inferential analyses were carried out using the statistical software SPSS. The result showed that uneducated parents significantly impact their children's education, particularly in mathematics. The relationship between parents’ financial status and students’ e-learning experiences is shown to be significant. In addition, there is no influence of parents' financial status on student achievement in mathematics. Students’ academic achievement in mathematics may be influenced by their parent’s financial status, but this is not the only factor. Many factors beyond financial resources can impact student achievement, including school quality, teacher experience, and individual student characteristics.
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