Parental Involvement in Child Education Post Covid-19 from a Geographical Perpectives
Parental involvement, child education, Post COVID-19, geographical factorsAbstract
Parental involvement very important in the child's academic achievement. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the education system, resulting in parents needing to be more responsible for their children's education. Parents need to give high commitment and support to their child's education such as assisting their children's learning at home, interacting with class teachers, and attending school programs. However, variations in parental living conditions can influence their ability to participate actively in their children's academic pursuits Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the relationship between parents and eight geographical factors, namely, house size, population size, district’s size, house location, school location, subdistrict’s location, land use, and distance from home to school. The study involved 400 parents who had children in primary schools in Kuala Langat district. Data is collected quantitatively using questionnaires and analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26 software. The Chi-Squared test is carried out to determine the relationship of parental involvement with geographical factors. The findings found that there was a significant relationship between parents' involvement with house size, population size, subdistrict’s size, location of the house, school location, subdistrict’s location, land use, and distance from house to school. Therefore, the research is projected to direct stakeholders towards the formulation of education policies that are grounded in geographical considerations for the future.
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