Changing Philosophies of Teacher Education and the Role of Higher Education (94 - 111)


  • John Elliott


Philosophies, policy frameworks, teacher education, higher education, contribution


The big issue for teacher education is the contribution of higher education in making the teachers as professional. This paper aims to examine the different philosophies of teacher education that have emerged over the last forty years and what it has implied towards the contribution of higher education. This paper also discusses the policy frameworks in which these philosophies take shape. The study indicates that teacher as a rational autonomous agent is the main idea that seals the teacher education curriculum. Nevertheless, a teacher as a researcher contending against the standard driver professional development has existed and can be found everywhere as a champion of a continuing role for higher education.





How to Cite

Elliott, J. (2019). Changing Philosophies of Teacher Education and the Role of Higher Education (94 - 111). Jurnal Pendidikan Bitara UPSI, 1, 94–111. Retrieved from