Affective Values of Secondary School Physical Educational Lessons (27 - 40)


  • Julismah Jani
  • Nurikhan Nasib


Affective Values, Physical Education Teachers, Secondary Schools


The purpose of this study was to determine how far affective values have been installed by teachers during physical education lessons at secondary schools.The research design was descriptive survey through observation method using criterion checklist toward 60 male and female teachers with option (n = 20) and non-option (n = 40) in the physical education field. The results showed that 84.5% teachers feel that they instilled affective values during physical education lesson. Instead, only 53% teachers had instilled affective values at a low level during their teaching of physical education. There was a significant (p = 0.01) difference between an option and non-option teachers upon instilled affective values during teaching physical education. The research also found that the relationship between teachers’ feeling towards instilling affective values against the implementation of instilling affective values during physical education lessons was very low and not significant (r = 0.15, p = 0.48). The overall study showed that less affective values have been installed in the students during physical education lessons. Teachers should plan their teaching of physical education that consists of affective values explicitly to the students. Its implication is to produce good human capital for the nation in line with national education philosophy.


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How to Cite

Jani, J., & Nasib, N. (2019). Affective Values of Secondary School Physical Educational Lessons (27 - 40). Jurnal Pendidikan Bitara UPSI, 2, 27–40. Retrieved from