Analysis of Figurative Language style in the novel "Bimasakti Menari" text component of fifth grade Malay literature

Analisis gaya Bahasa Figuratif dalam novel “Bimasakti Menari” teks komponen kesusasteraan Bahasa Melayu tingkatan lima


  • Nuur Hikma Natasha Lamsah Jabatan Pengajian Melayu, Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Ipoh, 31150 Tanjung Rambutan, Perak
  • Anida Sarudin Jabatan Bahasa dan Kesusasteraan Melayu, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia
  • Mohd Sufian Ismail Jabatan Pengajian Melayu, Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Ipoh, 31150 Tanjung Rambutan, Perak



Language style, figurative, Novel, Component Text, Literature


Figurative language is one of the implicit language styles that is an important part of literature and linguistics. The figurative language contains implicit meaning, but the message is to be conveyed more effectively, even the use of figurative language can avoid things that offend emotions. In addition, the implicit language style is the choice of community speakers because they are shy to express their feelings and often hide in their conversations. This is because the speaker is worried that what is being said will be offensive, impolite or shameless. The purpose of this research is to identify the use of figurative language style in the selected novel. The research instrument used is the novel Bimasakti Menari. This study of figurative language style is qualitative. The text analysis method was used to obtain research data related to the figurative language style studied from the novel Bimasakti Menari KOMSAS text Form 5. Research data related to figurative language style will be analysed according to categories based on Mildred L. Larson (1984) namely hyperbole, metonymy, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification and simile. This study was also conducted to see the percentage of frequency of use of figurative language style in this KOMSAS text. With this study, readers, especially students, can identify the type of language style used by the writer as well as apply it in everyday life. Overall, the use of language style should be given more attention by teachers, students and the Malaysian Ministry of Education (KPM) to create a society aware of good language use.


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How to Cite

Lamsah, N. H. N., Sarudin, A., & Ismail, M. S. (2023). Analysis of Figurative Language style in the novel "Bimasakti Menari" text component of fifth grade Malay literature: Analisis gaya Bahasa Figuratif dalam novel “Bimasakti Menari” teks komponen kesusasteraan Bahasa Melayu tingkatan lima. Jurnal Pendidikan Bitara UPSI, 16(1), 22–27.


