Exploring Preservice Teachers' Behavioural Affection for Inclusive Education in Malaysia: A Validity and Reliability Study of the PTBAIES
Attitudes, Affection, Behaviour, Inclusive Education, Rasch Measurement Model, Exploratory Factor AnalysisAbstract
To learn more about teachers' perceptions of including students with disabilities in regular classrooms, the Multidimensional Attitudes towards Inclusive Education Scale (MATIES) was first created. For the purposes of the current study, MATIES (Mahat, 2008) was being cross-culturally modified. In order to better support the learning outcomes for preservice teachers who pursued the inclusive education course during the relevant semester, the current study is focusing on the two dimensions namely, affection and behaviour. A cross-validation and reliability study on the behavioural affection of 254 preservice teachers was undertaken using the Rasch Measurement Model (RMM) Item Analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). The Preservice Teachers' Behavioural Affection towards Inclusive Education Scale (PTBAIES), according to the findings, is a dual-dimensional scale with two components (affection and behaviour). The reliability coefficient for Cronbach's alpha was .802 at the time. Results indicated that the 10-item-PTBAIES can be used as a valid and reliable tool for preservice teachers to examine their demeanour towards inclusive education in Malaysia.
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