Development of a Pre-Number Skill Teaching Activity Model Based on VAK Learning Style in Preschool: A Needs Analysis
pre-number skills, VAK learning style, , needs analysis, early mathematics, preschoolAbstract
This study is a needs analysis study in the first phase of the design and development approach (DDR) founded by Richey and Klein (2007). The purpose of this needs analysis study is to identify the need for the development of a model for teaching pre-number skills based on the VAK learning style in preschools. The study was conducted qualitatively using the interview method. A total of six respondents who are experienced preschool teachers were interviewed. All these preschool teachers have been selected by purposive sampling and meet the set criteria. Interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings of this study show that there is a need for researchers to develop a model of pre-number skills teaching activities based on the VAK learning style in preschools, which can help teachers diversify teaching methods to students, raise awareness of the importance of pre-number skills and provide references and guidance for preschool teachers in applying the VAK learning style approach make learning more easily mastered by students, teaching and learning objectives are easily achieved. Emphasis on the development of pre-number skills teaching activity models based on the VAK learning style in preschools is seen as very relevant so that the quality of teaching and learning can be improved to prepare students who have a strong and excellent early mathematics foundation and then have a positive impact on teachers and students and can be competitive in the local and global arena.
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